
Welcome to the Purves Versus Podcast

Episode 1

Welcome to the Purves Versus Podcast

April 17, 2023

Welcome to my new podcast, Purves Versus! This short episode outlines why I have a podcast and the objectives I hope it will help achieve.

In future episodes we will discuss topics specific to our industry while exploring current trends, and evidence based content. I will be doing this through a series of solo episodes, but also I will be interviewing therapists from across the world. Some of our topics will include the value of mythbusting and I have interviews with those who use social media and other platforms to bust those myths. The new RMT experience, how did this prepare them for the real world of clinical practice, CEC providers, the educational experience going to school in an unregulated province, we will also explore modality empires and the role of professional associations and how they influence the profession and its various stakeholders.

Thanks for listening!

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